Episode 17

January 16, 2018


Thou Shalt Not… – February 2, 1974

Thou Shalt Not… – February 2, 1974
Fate's Wide Wheel: A Quantum Leap Podcast
Thou Shalt Not… – February 2, 1974

Jan 16 2018 | 01:28:29


Show Notes

Sam leaps into David Basch, a rabbi in California. David’s brother and sister-in-law’s marriage is coming apart due to the death of their oldest child a year ago. In fact, Al tells Sam, in two days, “his” sister-in-law, Irene, will have an affair that will end their marriage, which he must prevent. Chicago performer, Kathleen … [Continue reading Thou Shalt Not… – February 2, 1974 →](http://fwwquantumleappod.blubrry.net/2018/01/16/episode-15-thou-shalt-not-february-2-1974/)

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